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We Have Moved!

We’re now conveniently located near the corner of Whitcomb and Westnedge behind the Burger King. We are the upper suite in the rear of the building. If you need driving directions, please don’t hesitate to call!

Geek Easy Computers
435 Whitcomb St. UL 201
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
(269)548-TECH (8324)


The Do’s and Don’ts of Laptop Ownership

As we mentioned previously, nearly every computing and communication technology is becoming more geared toward mobility.  The workhorses of that movement are the classic laptop.  The laptop was the original mobile computing device.  The IBM 5100, the first commercially available portable computer, appeared in September 1975.  Laptops are also known as notebooks, ultrabooks, and netbooks.


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Which Anti-Virus is Better?

By now, you should know that if you are on the internet, your computer needs to be protected from malicious viruses and malware/spyware.  We mentioned some ways to do that in our previous blog post “Your Computer Needs You (Why?)”.  Today, we’d like to expand on that some and answer the one question we get the most often:  Which anti-virus is the best?


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What’s an SSD?

What is an SSD?  Do I need one?

You have heard about these new upgrades called SSDs that are supposed to make your old computer faster and are not exactly sure what they really do, or better yet, what they actually are?  Your computer upgrade specialists at Geek Easy Computers are here to fill in the blanks and impart some knowledge!

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Your Computer Needs You (Why?)

One of the easiest methods to keep your computer running at its best, is also one of its most overlooked or forgotten.  Regular maintenance of your computer is essential, be it Mac or a Windows machine, to ensure not only efficient operation, but also the security of your data.  Geek Easy Computers, in our effort to help make your technology easier, have previously addressed various aspects of this such as PC Hygiene, Spring Cleaning, and Updating Drivers.

With this new year off to a rousing start, we thought it a good idea to address this topic in depth again.  So without any further delay….

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Can I Do It Myself?

“Can I do it myself?”

It’s a question many computer owners ask when it’s time for a repair or upgrade to their machine.  There answer depends on your abilities and resources.  Some things, like RAM, are easy enough to physically replace, but can be difficult to troubleshoot if you don’t have the experience and/or testing equipment available.

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10 common PC and Mac annoyances (And how to fix [some of] them?)

I saw a post on Facebook the other day that got me thinking.  Everybody has something that drives them absolutely bonkers about their computer.  Be it Mac or a Windows machine, those devices can have quirky behaviors that can nearly make you want to take a sledgehammer to the darn thing!  SO instead of adding to the landfill problem, we at Geek Easy Computers thought we’d see what we could do to ease your pain…


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Should I Outsource My It?

Many business owners don’t really have an opinion about outsourcing their IT.  This is mostly due to their not having enough information about it to make an informed choice.  I think most people would agree that its a good idea to have help when disaster strikes.  It’s also important to carefully filter your responsibilities to ensure that everything “on your plate” is manageable.  Of course, making your money work for you is of utmost importance.  Getting the best value for your dollar is a prerequisite, not an option.

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Let Us Plan Your Next Project…

Planning an IT project can be a lot of work. Whether you’re adding equipment to an existing network, upgrading servers and workstations or doing it all from scratch, there are often many considerations every step of the way. If you’ve ever wondered what hardware and software to purchase, how long you might spend on each phase of the project or simply how to get started in the first place, we can help.
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Why should I buy a refurbished computer?

What is a refurbished computer?  A refurbished computer is one that was previously in use, usually by  a business or corporation, that has been reconditioned to be like “new”.  There is a false perception that refurbished computers are just used and out-of-date computers.  While it is true that  refurbished units tend to not be of the latest technology, they are typically no more than one or two generations behind and still very capable of running todays applications!  Geek Easy Computers has refurbished computers starting at $175!
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Kalamazoo FBI Virus Removal

At Geek Easy Computers, we see a high volume of various virus and malware infections. As experts in removal and repair in Kalamazoo, we spend time fighting viruses on the front lines (as opposed to wiping the hard drive and leaving clients to start from scratch like some other companies).

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