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We’re now conveniently located near the corner of Whitcomb and Westnedge behind the Burger King. We are the upper suite in the rear of the building. If you need driving directions, please don’t hesitate to call!

Geek Easy Computers
435 Whitcomb St. UL 201
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
(269)548-TECH (8324)

Posts Tagged ‘laptop’

Why should I buy a refurbished computer?

What is a refurbished computer?  A refurbished computer is one that was previously in use, usually by  a business or corporation, that has been reconditioned to be like “new”.  There is a false perception that refurbished computers are just used and out-of-date computers.  While it is true that  refurbished units tend to not be of the latest technology, they are typically no more than one or two generations behind and still very capable of running todays applications!  Geek Easy Computers has refurbished computers starting at $175!
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All AC Adapters are NOT Created Equal…

One of the most confusing aspects of mobile computing for most people is the AC adapter.  Why is this confusing you ask?  Don’t you just plug it in and go?  Well, its not actually quite that simple.

The AC adapter is what is what gives a charge to your battery, to power your laptop.  It can also bypass your battery and directly power your device.  Most adapters are comprised of two components.  The power adapter and the power cord.  The power cord is what plugs into the wall, then into the power adapter.  The power adapter then converts the incoming electricity into the correct voltage/amperage for your device. Read the rest of this entry »

Nvidia Settlement

Possible Repair or Replacement Reimbursement

If you have a bricked laptop sitting at home with video problems, NVIDIA might spring for a replacement. Last week was the start of the claim period for a class-action lawsuit filed against the popular graphics manufacturer NVIDIA for some faulty laptop graphics processors and chipsets produced in the last five years. The affected laptops were manufactured by Apple, Dell and HP-Compaq between November 2005 and February 2010.

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Power Management

(Laptop Cords/AC Adapters)

Laptop computers have changed our lives over the past decade as they have given us greater and greater computing power anywhere on the planet. If you have the batteries, the will and a strong sense of tongue-in-cheek irony, you can use an air card and a laptop to blog from some remote bit of wilderness about how wild and unspoiled by technology it seems. They have allowed us to take the full spectrum of computing capabilities to anywhere we might feasibly want to compute, and they are doing it faster and cheaper every year. But with the great power these portable computers afford us comes a great need for (electrical) power. Read the rest of this entry »
